
Visual Anthropology

Module code: L6074
Level 5
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework, Essay

In this module, you become familiar with theories and applications of visual anthropology.

You have the opportunity to study complex legacies of visual representation in anthropology as well as contemporary, activist visual work. You explore cross-overs between anthropological and other relevant visual epistemologies in the social sciences.

You also undertake visual research projects.

Module learning outcomes

  • Critical understanding of different theoretical traditions and practical applications within visual anthropology (with a focus on photography, visual media and virtual ethnography)
  • Understanding of different theories of perception and visual culture, within anthropology and across the social sciences
  • Expanded understanding of ethnographic scope (e.g. within virtual environments) and practice (e.g. as a visual medium)
  • Enhanced abilities to develop critical arguments based on visual material, and the use of visual media in presentations and other formats