Engineering and design

Analogue Communication and Propagation

Module code: H6107
Level 5
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Laboratory, Lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework, Unseen examination

This module gives you in-depth exposure to the principles and practice of anlogue communications, propagation and antenna design. This covers all relevant frequency ranges, including the conventional low and microwave frequencies up to terahertz. You’ll combine theory, design and practice, drawing on the latest research and industry standards. 

The module also provides you with a highly illustrative approach to fundamental theory combined with analysis, design and operation for an array of practical applications.

Topics include:

  • Maxwell's equations, the electromagnetic wave equation, the Poynting vector
  • plane waves, phase and group velocity, skin depth
  • propagation along transmission lines, attenuation and distortion, characteristic impedance, reflections and standing waves
  • electromagnetic propagation in free space, line of sight communications and design using Fresnel zone, power budget in satellite links, tropospheric and ionospheric propagation
  • introduction to antennas and aerials (including dipole, Yagi-Ueda, arrays, dish, planar, patch, antennas for CP) radiation pattern, reciprocity theorem, antenna gain
  • analogue communication systems, modulation and demodulation systems (AM/FM/pulse), phase lock loops
  • physical sources and statistical properties of electrical noise, signal-to-noise ratio, noise figure, noise temperature
  • spectrum management and EMC, radio transmitter and receiver architecture.


Electronic Circuit & Systems Design
Engineering Mathematics 2
Engineering Maths 1A
Engineering Maths 1B

Module learning outcomes

  • Apply fundamental knowledge and principles of analogue communication, propagation, and antennas to design appropriate solutions to communication engineering design problems in transmission line and radio communication systems.
  • Analyse and evaluate antenna design and link-budgets for mobile and satellite communication networks.
  • Design transmission line and antenna systems using fundamental principles and appropriate ma models.
  • Use software laboratory and appropriate programming language to design and evaluate transmission lines and antenna systems.