International relations

Finance and Power

Module code: L2069A
Level 6
30 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework, Essay

You’ll consider the globalisation of finance and the structure of the power relations that drive it. You will examine the ways in which global finance is constructed on the basis of power struggles and how financialisation empowers certain actors over others.

You’ll start by examining various forms of financial systems and their social ramifications. You will then examine how the process of globalisation affects the evolution of these financial systems, and the social struggles over the direction of change.

You’ll address the impacts of financialisation on the project of development, the convergence of various economic systems and the formulation of progressive politics.

Finally, you will consider the regulation of finance and the various challenges it raises for political authorities and social forces.

Module learning outcomes

  • Identify and assess the various theories for thinking about power in financial markets.
  • Outline and Understand the phases of development of financial globalisation.
  • Compare the forms of financial structures in different countries and their implications for the trajectories of development of these countries.
  • Conceive and produce a substantial written work of analysis and argument, about the politics of financial globalisation.
  • Compose a research design that can steer a substantial intellectual analysis of a given research topic