
Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health

CORTH Methods Workshop

Hosted by the CORTH Doctoral Forum, the CORTH Methods Workshop took place on Friday 27th March 2015. The workshop aimed to encourage discussion and reflections on the methods we use when researching areas such as sexual and reproductive rights, maternal health, gender, bodies and families. Some of the questions explored in the workshop included:

HoMethods workshopw can we bridge the quantitative-­qualitative gap?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of various methods that we’ve used?

How can we work at the intersections to capture experiences and activities?

How do we bring the personal into our research -­ i.e. thinking about our 'self' as the researcher as well as the 'selves' of the researched?

View the full report:
CORTH Methods workshop report March 2015 [PDF 69.67KB]

Programme: CORTH Methods workshop programme March 2015 [PDF 300.68KB]