
Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health

Lessons from the Zika epidemic

Institutional links for research on care, disability and public policies

CORTH Blog: 12 June 2019

External Consultant

For the last few years, IDS has been on the social, economic and political dimensions of epidemics in different contexts worldwide, seeking to improve the way social science is used to improve response planning and preparedness. IDS researchers have with the Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technology and Health (CORTH) and Brazilian institutions explore how the Zika virus in Brazil feeds into the broader dynamics that shape the emergence of an epidemic and the policy responses to health crises. The , supported by a Newton Fund Institutional Links grant, aimed to understand the social and emotional impact on families affected by the Zika virus, as well as the reorganisation of public services to meet their needs.

See full blog post on IDS site: