
Photo of Sajida AllySajida Ally
Research Associate (Geography)


Associate Tutor in Anthropology and International Development, School of Global Studies, 性爱视频, 2012-present. 

Courses taught include:

Anthropology of Sexuality

Social Change, Culture and Development

Health, Inequality and Poverty

6th Form Anthropology Conference: First Generation Scholars, School of Global Studies, 性爱视频, November 2013.

Devised and taught a workshop on: ‘Globalizaton, Sexuality and Health: A Medical Anthropological Approach to Everyday Intimate Practices.’

Annual SAMRENE Training CourseMigration, Social Change and Inequality in South Asia’, Colombo, Sri Lanka, South Asian Migration Research Network, September 2011. 

Devised and taught a workshop on ‘Qualitative Methods in Migration Research’.