Facts and figures

We were ranked 8th in the UK in the Guardian University Guide 2012, and 79th in the world in the Times Higher Education Supplement - World University Rankings 2010.

Applications for research funding

Sponsor profile of bids 2009-2010

European Union 15.0%
UK government 8.4%
UK Industries 0.7%
UK charities 15.0%
Research councils 56.0%
Other 4.9%

Applications to Research Councils

AHRC 2.7%
BBSRC 9.3%
EPSRC 9.1%
ESRC 9.3%
MRC 10.8%
NERC 4.8%
STFC.8% 6.1%
Other 3.9%

Sources of research funding

Sponsor profile of awards 2009-2010

European Union 9.4%
UK government 21.0%
UK Industries 3.2%
UK charities 9.9%
Research councils 52.6%
EU non-government bodies 0.1%
Other 3.8%

Awards from Research Councils

AHRC 1.4%
BBSRC 9.9%
EPSRC 4.3%
ESRC 8.8%
MRC 18.8%
NERC 2.0%
STFC 5.2%
Other 2.3%

University income 2009-2010

Higher education funding councils £56.7m
Tuition and other fees £49.1m
Research grants and contracts £29.6m
Other operating income £30.0m
Other income £0.5m
Total £166.0m

90% of 性爱视频 research activity rated as world leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)

University expenditure 2009-2010

Schools £60.9m
Research £21.4m
Administration £11.7m
Residences, catering and other operations £15.9m
Premises £13.3m
Academic services £11.7m
Other expenses £30.8m
Total £165.7m


As at December 2010 we had 8,362 undergraduates, 3,479 postgraduates, totalling 11,841 students.