

Blog posts

Jeanette Ashton and Kieran Durcan, “I (Learning Matters Blog, 3 November 2023) 

Jo Wilson, ‘ (Learning Matters Case Study, 23 October 2023)

Verona Ní Drisceoil,(Learning Matters Blog, 21 July 2023) 

Jeanette Ashton and Kieran Durcan, ’ (Learning Matters Blog, January 2023) 

Paven Basuita and Jeanette Ashton, (Association of Law Teachers Blog, 14 December 2022)

Hadir Elshafay, (Wonkhe, 22 June 2022) 

Verona Ní Drisceoil, (Learning Matters Blog, 4 April 2022).

Jo Wilson and Verona Ní Drisceoil, (LPS LaPSe of Reason Blog, 22 July 2021)

Verona Ní Drisceoil and Jo Wilson, (LPS LaPSE of Reason Blog, 22 July 2021)

Jeanette Ashton, , 2 September 2021).

Jeanette and Paolo Oprandi,’ (Learning Matters, 14 January 2021).

Verona and Bal ley, (LPS LaPSe of Reason Blog, 18 Dec 2020). 

Paven ,